Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rocket Ropes!

What is that going up at Butterfly Creek?

Rocket Ropes is taking shape here at the Creek.

We have full time staff working away on the project - in construction through to the work of art that is going up on the sides.

The Rocket Ropes will feature action-adventure high ropes courses for Adults and Children - from challenging, through to
the more timid type of heights that you might find this Marketing Monarch starting on!

We will also have a kids section and hope to have a section for toddlers to give it a go - so there really will be something for the whole family! I'm also going to be looking to give a prize to the oldest person who completes the course on our opening day!

What else will there be to do?

We will have a flying fox, zipping above the farm and a power fan drop, which will see you take the leap into the mouth of something big.. with big teeth. The boss is still to decide whether it will a painted one or the living variety... it will depend on how naughty you are!.

So keep your eyes peeled to Facebook or our website - for the latest updates! We are looking to launch in time for the next school holidays (which are just around the corner!)

See you soon!

Marketing Monarch